Sunday, January 11, 2009


Faced with global issues such as poverty, genocide, climate change, financial collapse, greed, and corruption, it’s easy to feel powerless. We want to do good and change the world, but too often feel paralyzed by the fear that individuals can’t make significant impact. ZenBiz Radio with Allan Holender and Co-Host Bruce Stewart is a new kind of talk radio for good!

ZenBiz Radio is a media project about making a difference : Inspiring interviews with zentrepreneurs who are creating a new world of business for good! Stories About Creating A Business As Well As A Life! Zentrepreneurism is a wake-up call—a call to action, to change, to re-invent and to harness each and every person’s unique ability to help build a better world for business.

ZenBiz Radio is an engaging, informative, and empowering radio show with interviews and conversations with zentrepreneurs from around the globe, some well-known and others less so, who have been inspired to do their part to effect meaningful social change. These notable advocates, activists, and social entrepreneurs share the causes they are passionate about and give advice on what each of us can do to positively impact our employees, communities, and those of others around the world.

From music icon Dave Stewart, who has aligned his corporate mission with notable causes such GreenPeace, TED, and Pangea Day to Arran Stephens, founder of Natures Path Organic Foods, affectionately known as the “hippie capitalist”, who sees money as “green energy”-”From a more enlightened centre within, we can use money for great good, or if selfish and greedy, we can use it to harm and congeal”. These personal journeys illustrate the power of the individual to motivate change.

We are now accepting a limited number of founding partnerships anywhere in the world for this new media convergence project, ZenBiz Radio will air on the Voice America Talk Network. Wednesday’s at 11:00 a.m. pacific

If you would like to explore this partnership opportunity please contact Dave Kredell our ExecutiveProducer It would be very exciting to have you join us on the next phase of the journey. Since the birth of Zentrepreneurism three years ago we have taken our message around the world to over 21 different countries and with 817 members enrolled in the World Wide Association of Zentrepreneurs, it is now time to spread the word around the globe through a virtual medium. Go to to learn more about joining WWAZ and the movement.

A great opportunity awaits for us to engage together globally in a mutually beneficial, purposeful, and profitable project. Coincidentally We are scheduled to launch January 21, 2009, the day after one of the most significant events in the history of the United States of America, the election of Barack Obama, it’s first African American President. Obama has called for an end to selfishness and greed, and to change the way Wall Street and the White House do business.

ZenBiz Radio will do it’s part and we encourage you to join us in this zenful revolution!. We will accept proposals till January 15th.

I look forward to you joining me on ZENBIZ RADIO!

Yes We Zen!


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